Once the last class is done, the fun is just beginning at LPA! Check out these programs to help your student stay active and engaged after school:
Aftercare Program: All students in all grades can enjoy activity centers, recreational play, Fun Fridays and much more. This program is internally managed by LPA and ends at 6:00 pm. There’s a program fee, which can be lowered for families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program.
Beyond School: An extension of the classroom, this program provides homework help, enrichment classes, individual student check-ins and offsite experience opportunities. Beyond School is available to students in grades 3 – 8, ends at 6:15 pm and is free to all families.
School Clubs: What interests your student—LEGO robotics, yoga, mad science, art, chess, Spanish? LPA has clubs for so many and more! Clubs may be sponsored by parents, staff or through community organizations such as The Botanical Gardens. LPA offers a variety of clubs three times a year—for six to eight weeks during the fall, winter and spring. Club offerings vary year to year and semester to semester—because the program is in response to requests from students, staff and families.
Athletics: Throughout the school year, LPA offers a variety of after school sports, such as volleyball, basketball and soccer. Grades 6 – 8 participate in a city-wide charter school athletic collaboration (league) organized by LPA’s athletic director. Grades K – 5 participate in a city-wide charter school athletic collaboration organized by the YMCA.
LPA’s mission is to ensure all students have access to extracurricular activities, regardless of their ability to pay fees. That’s why we employ a scholarship program to support students interested in these activities.
For more information about After School Activities, email help@lafayetteprep.org